Thomas Bean
NORFOLK, 23529
Thomas W. Bean is a Professor of LIteracy/Reading in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Tom serves as Reading Graduate Program Director. He is considered a leading schohlar in content area literacy with over 25 books, 31 book chapters, adn over 100 articles in refereed journals including Reading Research Quarterly and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult LIteracy. Tom is senior author of the widely used text, Content Area Literacy: An Integrated Approach (10th ed). His most recent book is Teaching Young Adult Literature: Developing World Citizens, co-authored with Dr. Judith Dunkerly-Bean and Helen Harper.
Ph.D. in Secondary Education, Arizona State University, (1976)
Research Interests
Digitral Story Telling related to human rights issues in young adult literature. The integration of science and sailing with middle school students. Cosmopolitan and transmediation theory applied to young adult literature and digital story telling.
- Dunkerly (Bean), J. M. and Bean, T. (2014). Literacy in the Pursuit of Civic Engagement: The Power of Multimodal Critical Literacy and Human Rights Education. Literacy Practices that Adolescents Deserve, E-ssentials Series.
- Dunkerly (Bean), J. M. and Bean, T. Seeking Asylum: Adolescents Explore the Crossroads of Human Rights Education and Cosmopolitan Critical Literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, International Reading Association.
- Bean, T. and Dunkerly (Bean), J. M. Expanding Conceptions of Adolescent Literacy Research and Practice: Cosmopolitan Theory in Educational Contexts. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy.
- Bean, T. and O'Brien, D. (2013). Past and Future Directions in Content Area Literacy: A Conversation With Two Experts. . Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, International Reading Association 56 (4) , pp. 275-278.
- Bean, T. and Dunkerly (Bean), J. M. (2012). Editorial: Adolescent Literacy: Looking Back and Moving Forwardin the Global Flow. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, International Reading Association 55 (8) , pp. 669-670.
- Guzzetti, B. and Bean, T. (2013). Adolsecent Literacies and The Gendered Self: (Re)constructing identities through multimodal literacy practices. Routledge.
Book Chapters
- Bean, T. and Ransaw, T. (2013). Masculinity and portrayals of African-American boys in Young Adult Literature: A Critical Deconstruction and Reconstruction of this Genre Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self: (Re)constructing Identities Through Multimodal LIteracy Practices (pp. 22-30) New York NY: Routledge.
- Bean, T. and Harper, H. (2011). The Context of English Language Arts Learning: The High School Years Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts (3rd ed.) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum/Taylor Francis.